found 36 13 Nov 2003 00:00 - Blackmail latest scam for hackers - Nov. 13, 2003 - 'Operation Iron Hammer' enters second day - Nov. 13, 2003
Catherine Mayer - president, Foreign Press Association,
Bush Demands Up or Down Vote on Judges,
Yahoo! News - Bill Seeks to Jail Web Movie Pirates,
Le Temps - temps fort, - Microsoft seeks EU antitrust case deal - Nov. 11, 2003 - Italy undeterred by Iraq bombing - Nov. 13, 2003,
Yahoo! News - Sci-Fi Legend Doctor Who Zooms Into Cyberspace,
BBC NEWS | Americas | Pentagon's private commemoration,
BBC NEWS | Middle East | CIA warns of growing Iraq resistance,
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan postpones Iraq deployment,
Israel and Palestinians ready to talk,
Guardian Unlimited | UK Latest | Police to 'accommodate' Bush protests,
Guardian Unlimited | UK Latest | Police chief sorry for blunder,
Chechen rebel's extradition bid rejected,
Wired News: IBM: Keep Death Records Out,
Wired News: Three Arrested in IBM Bribes Bust,
Wired News: Academics Can Be Fun and Games,
Wired News: Laying Down the Virtual Law,
At Play in Chinatown's Backyard,
Council Panel Holds Inquiry on Custodians in the Schools,
For Albanians, It's Come to This: A Son for a TV,
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Blair will use talks to press for new Iraq strategy,
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Gigantic sleaze scandal winds up as former Elf oil chiefs are jailed,
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | 'We could lose this situation', | Press&publishing | Burchill quits Guardian column,
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Why hip-hop must take its share of blame for spread of violence among teenagers,
U.S. forces hit back in Baghdad,
JBoss downplays open-source code 'plagiarism',
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Private Lynch's media war continues as Iraqi doctors deny rape claim,
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Huntley 'consoled Holly's father',
Yahoo! News - Infamous Cubs-Marlins Foul Ball Up for Auction ,
US army kills two in Baghdad attacks,
High School Admission Rules Change Sense of 'Not in My Backyard',