found 13 21 Nov 2003 00:00
Fire bomb thrown at UK embassy in Iran,
Switching from CodeWarrior to Xcode,
Movie Review | 'Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat': My, a Cat Can Be Mean on a Very Big Screen,
Wired News: Will Microsoft Wallop Friendster?,
AOL, Macromedia show off IM-enabled applications,
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | 'We are facing global threat,' says Straw,
Introduction to 'Four Days in November':,
Interview of the President by Al-Sharq Al-Awsat,
President Bush, Prime Minister Hold Joint Press Conference,
Wired News: ITunes Undermines Social Security
Wired News: Record Label Sings New Tune,
After Bombings in Turkey, Bush and Blair Remain Steadfast,
Michael Jackson Surrenders in California to Face Charges,