found 25 24 Nov 2003 00:00
BBC NEWS | Europe | Shevardnadze to stay in Georgia,
BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush approves $400bn defence bill,
Recipes from Laura Bush,
Presidente George W. Bush,
The Annual Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey,
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Blair and Chirac in show of unity,
Sur la piste des nantis,
Paradoxes de la finance islamique,
Le Matin - Page news detail,
Le Temps - Suisse,
Amid Some Storms, CBS Finds a Surge,
Riyadh Journal: Seeing the Funny Side of Islamic Law, Review CHILDREN'S BOOKS; Who Are These People?,
The Way We Live Now: Another Holy Mystery,
When Free Isn't Really Free,
Love in the Time of No Time
Patents: The Muse Is in the Software,
Medicare Bill Moves Closer to Final Vote in Senate,
The Boss: A Deal With Dad
Medicare Debate Turns to Pricing of Drug Benefits,
Guardian Unlimited Sport | Special reports | A month of celebrations for World Cup winners,
Op-Ed Columnist: Scaring Up Votes,
F.B.I. Scrutinizes Antiwar Rallies,
Bowing to Opposition, Leader of Georgia Steps Down,
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Census exposes unequal Britain,