found 16 05 Dec 2003 00:00 Bush Cuts Steel Tariffs, Declares Victory,
Lancet calls for tobacco ban
Yahoo! News - Fight for Control of the Net Erupts on U.N. Watch,
Macromedia - Edge : Dec. 3, 2003,
Chirac stokes Muslim veil debate,
"Suicide" train bomb kills 40,
Yahoo! News - Google Asks Court for Ruling on Trademarks,
BBC NEWS | Americas | Wife hits back after 9/11 'betrayal',
Wired News: Apple Doin' the Logo-Motion
Sun wants Java to share more,
ZDNet UK - News - Debian attacker may have used new exploit,
Sharon hit by rare U.S. rebuke,
Medical journal demands tobacco ban,
Yahoo! News - Google Asks Court for Ruling on Trademarks,
Yahoo! News - Peer-To-Peer Group Floats Scheme to Pay for Music