found 15 15 Apr 2004 00:00
"Fat" ballerina loses damages case
Berners-Lee honoured for creating the Web,
Millions of locusts head for Australian cities,
The New York Times > Washington > Sept. 11 Panel Cites C.I.A. for Failures in Terror Case,
Yahoo! News - Web Inventor Berners-Lee Wins Big Technology Award,
Yahoo! News - Amazon Launches Test Version of New Search Site,
Le Temps - Sur le dromadaire qatari, un robot suisse pour remplacer l'enfant-jockey,
'Bin Laden tape' offers truce to Europe,
IHT: In Iraq, 'a whole another world',
IHT: Tenet admits 'mistakes',
The New York Times > Business > Consumer Prices Rise, Heightening Concern on Inflation
The New York Times > Technology > Strong Demand for PC's Spurs Intel's Profit,
The New York Times > Arts > Music > G.I.'s in Iraq Tote Their Own Pop Culture,
The New York Times > International > Middle East > Bush Also Appears to Side With Israel on 'Right of Return',
The New York Times > Washington > C.I.A. Chief Defends Agency but Allows 'We Made Mistakes',