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found 140 cnn.com
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Teachers are using AI to grade essays. Students are using AI to write them | CNN Business
Presicce: The pretty Italian town paying people $30,000 to move there | CNN Travel
One drink per day can shrink your brain, study says - CNN
5 reasons you should not deliberately catch Omicron to 'get it over with' - CNN
Ninja and Fortnite are making millions together - CNN,
CNN.com - Could election lightning strike twice in Florida? - Oct 4, 2004
CNN.com - Cheney, Edwards face off at critical juncture - Oct 5, 2004
CNN.com - Cities find Wi-Fi future - Oct 18, 2004,
CNN.com - The Internet's next big step - Oct 18, 2004,
CNN.com - CES Vegas style - Jan 10, 2005,
CNN.com - Report: FBI wasted millions on 'Virtual Case File' - Feb 3, 2005,
CNN.com - 'Spiritual' Madonna visits lsrael - Sep 15, 2004,
CNN.com - Gulf Coast residents flee Ivan's approach - Sep 15, 2004,
CNN.com - E-vote success in Nevada may be model - Sep 14, 2004,
CNN.com - Combating seven deadly e-mail sins - Sep 15, 2004,
CNN.com - Ivan heading ashore along Gulf Coast - Sep 15, 2004,
CNN.com - U.S. cybersecurity chief resigns - Oct 1, 2004
CNN.com - SpaceShipOne takes off toward X Prize goal - Oct 4, 2004
CNN.com - Study: Women may beat men in sprint by 2156 - Sep 30, 2004
CNN.com - U.S., Iraqis launch attacks in Falluja - Oct 14, 2004,
CNN.com - Switches likely cause of Genesis crash - Oct 15, 2004,
CNN.com - Cheneys indignant about Kerry remark - Oct 14, 2004
CNN.com - Good planning key to shopping success - Nov 26, 2004,
CNN.com - Rice in key European talks - Feb 4, 2005,
CNN.com - U.S. probes nuclear dump documents - Mar 17, 2005,
CNN.com - North Korea an 'imminent threat' - Mar 17, 2005,
CNN.com - Web service sued over consumer access to 911 - Mar 23, 2005,
CNN.com - Census: College-educated white women earn less than blacks, Asians - Mar 28, 2005,
CNN.com - California to ban hunting over Internet - May 4, 2005,
FORTUNE: Apple 2.0 Report: Apple’s market share of PCs over $1,000 hits 66% «,
We need a longer school year - CNN.com,
'The Demise of Guys': How video games and porn are ruining a generation - CNN.com,
Retracted autism study an 'elaborate fraud,' British journal finds - CNN.com,
It's sex o'clock in America - CNN.com,
Adolescent sleep problems: Why is your teen so tired?,
CNN.com - Scientists snub Kansas evolution hearings - May 8, 2005
CNN.com - U.S. cities set up wireless networks - May 4, 2005,
Slower GDP growth in 1Q - Apr. 28, 2005
Strong job growth in April easily tops Wall Street forecasts - May. 6, 2005,
CNN.com - Electric car record run scrubbed again - May 6, 2005,
CNN.com - 'Tiger' roars into stores - Apr 28, 2005
CNN.com - Barred no more - May 2, 2005,
CNN.com - Hitler's nurse relates final days - May 3, 2005,
CNN.com - Entertainment groups predict more films, songs over Web - Mar 29, 2005
CNN.com - Boy Scout official charged in child porn case - Mar 29, 2005,
CNN.com - More than 300 dead in Indonesian quake - Mar 29, 2005,
CNN.com - For some kids, cell phones the right call - Mar 23, 2005,
CNN.com - News agency suing Google - Mar 19, 2005,
CNN.com - Hostility, support for Wolfowitz - Mar 17, 2005,
CNN.com - GAO: Program linking schools, libraries to Internet flawed - Mar 16, 2005,
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