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Microsoft, Verizon, and Other Big U.S. Companies Design Their Ideal High School Courses - Education Week
Is Requiring Online Courses a Good Thing? Teachers in Canada Aren't So Sure - Digital Education - Education Week,
Screen Time Up as Reading Scores Drop. Is There a Link? - Education Week
Schools Say No to Cellphones in Class. But Is It a Smart Move? - Education Week,
High School Naps May Boost Learning for Sleep-Deprived Teenagers - Inside School Research - Education Week,
Why Tech Isn't Transforming Teaching: 10 Key Stories From Education Week - Digital Education - Education Week,
Girls Outshine Boys on Federal Exam of Tech, Engineering Skills - Education Week,
Artificial Intelligence Is Attracting Investors, Inventors, and Academic Researchers Worldwide - Market Brief
The Kids Are Right: School Is Boring - Education Week,
Educators Battle 'Fortnite' for Students' Attention - Education Week
Special Education Is Broken - Education Week,
The Teenage Smartphone Problem Is Worse Than You Think - Education Week
Why Special Educators Really Leave the Classroom - Education Week,
How Is Homework Helping Students Learn? - Leadership 360 - Education Week,
Harnessing the Power of the Cellphone in Class - Education Week Teacher,
Carol Dweck Revisits the 'Growth Mindset' - Education Week,
Do Digital Games Improve Children’s Math Skills? - Education Week,
Eight Steps to Rewrite the Special Education Script - Education Week,
Studies Flag Potential Downside to Inclusion - Education Week,
Researchers Target Brain-Scanning Technology to Improve Ed. Software - Digital Education - Education Week,
Teachers Still Struggling to Use Tech to Transform Instruction, Survey Finds - Education Week
Response: Reading Digitally vs. Reading Paper - Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo - Education Week Teacher
Essay-Grading Software Seen as Time-Saving Tool - Education Week,
'Micro Schools' Could Be New Competition for Private K-12 - Education Week
How to Get a First-Rate Teacher in Front of Every Student - Top Performers - Education Week
'Punitive' Use of Testing Is 'Dysfunctional' Model - Education Week,
The Fatal Flaw of Educational Assessment - Education Week
Zuckerberg Talks Personalized Learning, Philanthropy, and Lessons From Newark - Education Week
Nurturing Growth Mindsets: Six Tips From Carol Dweck - Rules for Engagement - Education Week
PARCC Scores Lower for Students Who Took Exams on Computers - Education Week
Districts Struggle to Judge Ed-Tech Pilot Projects - Education Week
Minecraft Fueling Creative Ideas, Analytical Thinking in K-12 Classrooms - Education Week,
Common-Core Testing Drives 'Tech Prep' Priorities - Education Week
Blended Learning Research: The Seven Studies You Need to Know - Digital Education - Education Week,
Common Core Seen Falling Short in High School Math - Education Week,
Differentiation Doesn't Work - Education Week,
Confessions of an Assessment Field-Tester - Education Week,
How to Create a New K-12 Engine - Education Week,
Khan Critiques: We Were Promised Jetpacks & Got Lectures - EdTech Researcher - Education Week,
More Than Half of Students 'Engaged' in School, Says Poll - Education Week,
Research Questions Common-Core Claims by Publishers - Education Week,
Google Under Fire for Data-Mining Student Email Messages - Education Week,
SAT Makeover Aims to Better Reflect Classroom Learning - Education Week
Performance Assessment Re-Emerging in Schools - Education Week Teacher
Education Week: Performance-Based Test for Teachers Rolls Out,
Studies Link Classroom Observations to Student Achievement - Teacher Beat - Education Week,
Education Week: Gates Foundation Places Big Bet on Teacher Agenda,
Education Week: Transition to Online Testing Sparks Concerns,
Education Week: Curriculum Prompts New Concerns in L.A. iPad Plan,
Education Week: 'Growth Mindset' Gaining Traction as School Improvement Strategy,
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