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Distinct neuronal representation of small and large numbers in the human medial temporal lobe | Nature Human Behaviour
ChatGPT generates fake data set to support scientific hypothesis
The impact of digital media on children’s intelligence while controlling for genetic differences in cognition and socioeconomic background | Scientific Reports
Increased global integration in the brain after psilocybin therapy for depression | Nature Medicine
Enhancing reading skills through a video game mixing action mechanics and cognitive training | Nature Human Behaviour,
The effects of remote work on collaboration among information workers | Nature Human Behaviour
Neural correlates of the DMT experience assessed with multivariate EEG | Scientific Reports
Does splitting sleep improve long-term memory in chronically sleep deprived adolescents? | npj Science of Learning,
Does playing violent video games cause aggression? A longitudinal intervention study | Molecular Psychiatry,
First results from psychology’s largest reproducibility test : Nature News & Comment,
v.25 Sep 2016 19:45 :2 versions | by corti@D45704 :::
First results from psychology’s largest reproducibility test : Nature News & Comment,
v.02 May 2015 19:32 :2 versions | by corti@D45070 :::
Specials : Nature,
A tale of two citations : Article : Nature,
Changing perceptions: The power of autism : Nature : Nature Publishing Group,
Reform the PhD system or close it down : Nature News,
End the wasteful tyranny of reviewer experiments : Nature News,
Neuroscience: Brain buzz : Nature News,