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RSS news feeder
How do social media feed algorithms affect attitudes and behavior in an election campaign? | Science
University investigation found prominent spider biologist fabricated, falsified data | Science | AAAS,
Top German psychologist fabricated data, investigation finds | Science | AAAS,
Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common | Science | AAAS,
The chronic growing pains of communicating science online
How to hug, according to science | Science | AAAS
‘We’ve done nothing wrong.’ EcoHealth leader fights charges that his research helped spark COVID-19 | Science | AAAS
Capacity for Number – Rafael Núñez – Parsing Science,
The Future of Marine Fish Resources (ActionBioscience),
Genetically Modified Foods: Are They a Risk to Human/Animal Health? (ActionBioscience),
v.25 Feb 2010 15:33 :2 versions | by EmmaD42266 :::
Genetically Modified Foods: Are They a Risk to Human/Animal Health? (ActionBioscience),
v.25 Feb 2010 15:32 :2 versions | by EmmaD42265 :::