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Fraudulent data raise questions about superstar honesty researcher | Science | AAAS
Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine—but no infection parties, please | Science | AAAS
Amid violence and protests, Colombian universities seek to promote a national dialogue | Science | AAAS
New mutations raise specter of ‘immune escape’ | Science
Target student mental well-being | Science
Electric shocks to the tongue can quiet chronic ringing ears | Science | AAAS,
Chimps create ‘rock music’ by throwing stones at trees | Science | AAAS
Here’s a better way to convert dog years to human years, scientists say | Science | AAAS,
University of California boycotts publishing giant Elsevier over journal costs and open access | Science | AAAS
The new potato | Science,
Evidence mounts that gut bacteria can influence mood, prevent depression | Science | AAAS,
Sexual harassment isn’t just about sex: Groundbreaking report details persistent hostility female scientists face | Science | AAAS,
Your behavior in Starbucks may reveal more about you than you think | Science | AAAS,
Nasty U.S. flu season continues to intensify | Science | AAAS,
My second life as a teacher | Science,
Newborn babies know their numbers | Science | AAAS,
Scientists are learning to predict psychosis years in advance—and possibly prevent it | Science | AAAS
What would happen if all Americans went vegan? | Science | AAAS,
Swiss university dissolves astronomy institute after misconduct allegations | Science | AAAS
Publishers take ResearchGate to court, alleging massive copyright infringement | Science | AAAS,
Now free: citation data from 14 million papers, and more might come | Science | AAAS
U.S. researchers guilty of misconduct later won more than $100 million in NIH grants, study finds | Science | AAAS,
Panel finds misconduct in rat paper by star surgeon Paolo Macchiarini | Science | AAAS
Leading science fair expands efforts to attract minority students | Science | AAAS,
Your call and text records are far more revealing than you think | Science | AAAS,
Questions abound after study links tumors to cellphone radiation | Science | AAAS,
Who's downloading pirated papers? Everyone | Science,
A researcher discovers teaching | Science,
Skills, education, and the rise of earnings inequality among the “other 99 percent”,
Lectures Aren't Just Boring, They're Ineffective, Too, Study Finds | Science/AAAS | News,
Elite Violinists Fail to Distinguish Legendary Violins From Modern Fiddles | Science/AAAS | News,
Sleep: The Ultimate Brainwasher? | Science/AAAS | News,